I went to see Watchmen today, and I actually quite liked it. I would even like to see it again, but probably not paying to watch in the theatres. I read the comic over the Christmas Break ('cause
hobbitbabe has it), and it was pretty good at sticking with the story without changing too much but also making it into a movie instead of just a moving comic book (I thought).
I thought the casting was in general pretty good. I really liked the Comedian - but that may have had something to do with him being played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan (I have been tempted to watch Grey's Anatomy because of that guy - he's pretty great... and pretty). And I thought that Dreiburg and Rorschach were spot on. Laurie annoyed me, but of course, she annoyed me in the comic too, so that worked quite well. Dr. Manhattan was also cool, but I kept thinking that his voice should've been deeper.
The only one who I thought was wrong was Adrian Veidt. He just seemed too weaselly, not charismatic enough, and not big and athletic enough. And I felt like it was too obvious that he was going to be responsible. - But maybe that was because I was looking for it since I knew the story. I haven't re-read the comic, so I don't know if it seems obvious on a second look.
In conclusion - Pretty! With some weird bits. Also is it just me or was this filmed in Vancouver? I need to watch this again if only to play "spot the Vancouver actor."
In other news I got my eyes checked on Thursday and I need reading glasses. It's about time, since I've been trying to make everything work with drug-store reading glasses that aren't optimal for the past four years. C and I went to buy frames yesterday (since he's clearly my fashion consultant), and they should be ready for me on Tuesday or Wednesday. I am excited! They're arriving just in time for paper season and all of the research I'm going to be doing for that. (yay... or not.)
I also did my Greek Lit honours exam yesterday. I only realized today that it might not have been such a good idea to do it on Friday the Thirteenth, but I think it went well regardless. It's one of those exams where I think that I've not done well because it seemed too easy. But I've been told that these exams are easy - but shouldn't it have been harder than that? Whatever, I'll find out soon enough whether I passed, and then I'll know whether I needed a bigger, more in depth answer than that.