Pirates of the Caribbean III

May 28, 2007 17:19

So I went to see PotC III today with S. It's raining and just generally damp, so it's the perfect day to go inside and watch a movie.

Here's my reaction. With spoilers.

Will Turner you are not a sailor!

You're a Blacksmith! I can actually see Elizabeth becoming a competent sailor, but I still don't get it for Will. And in the first movie it was a huge joke about how little he knew. Will Turner, you get no love.

Over all, I liked it. But it wasn't nearly as good as the firt one, and I think the second was better too. They seem to have lost contact with the cool, sailorly stuff, and all of the ships, pretty much, were rotted out hulls to make them look scary and 'pirate-like'. They had Chinese Junks (which are so cool!) but they were pitiful vessels with torn-up sails and it just made me sad to look at them.

They also brought in a bunch of weird mythology stuff that mostly made me scratch my head. After all, if Kalypso is in love with Davey Jones does that make him Odysseus?

I thihnk they just tried to make it too big. They lost sight of the small things that make fun sailor/pirate movies great.

Also Norrinton's death was completely random. I was sure that he was going to end up one of the walking dead on the Flying Dutchman, but then they just didn't mention him again. I like Norrington. (And he cuts a fine figure in a uniform)

It was definitely worth seeing, but I don't think I'd bother to go and see it again.

Plus Bounty was barely in it. Le Sigh.

I think I may have to rent some Hornblower now or something like that to get my boat fix, since their wasn't really enough of one from this movie.

movies, boats

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