Oct 10, 2006 17:37
Which isn't really what my post is about, but I find it's the most accurate statement I can ever make regarding mine, or anyone's life. Wether you believe in God, or a higher power, or even just the blind stroke of chance and luck, all things do seem to happen for a reason. One door closes, another opens. And sometimes a turn you make just opens into a whole new world. Being reflective for a moment, I was at a turning point when I met Karen, and as I turned that corner, Karen showed me a whole new world ahead of me. One that included her in my life and me in hers, and I could never be happier for it.
On a more newsworthy note, which isn't much to begin with, things are going well at the contract job I'm at. They can't seem to say enough good things about me. Either because I work my ass off and I actually know what I'm doing, or because I have a good idea of the project and know what's what. Naturally there's the usual management BS. The head of the project Carl micromanages like no tomorow, and any slipup is immediately pounced on and dealth with. I normally fly under his radar just because I know to double check my work and catch any mistakes I make before he sees em. We're doing a "time to task" worksheet and have been for the past 2 days so far. If anyone else has gone through these, you know they're complete BS. Basically you write down what you do all day and what times you did it all in great detail.
7:30 booted PC
7:35 read E-mail
7:45 blah blah blah
Fun no?
Anyways, the project is ramping up as is and I'll be busy as all hell starting next week until the end of November. My dad's starting to get more work in at his business and hopefully by the end of november I'll be back on board with him working the appraisal thing again, which I'd prefer. It's funny really, the one thing I'm good at, I.E. what I'm doing now with the 'puters I just don't enjoy like I used to. Ahh well, things change.
On a side note. I'll be buying that damnable projection screen soon here. I got money for my birfday from Karen's family and mine, and it'll be enough to put to a good screen.
A rousing night of drinking and watching movies... or porn... maybe both! and of course a little of Matt's Game Cube thrown in for the hell of it.
Anyways, I gotta get to class now. Peace out!