Kradenmas Fan Fiction Contest

Dec 05, 2011 18:28

The Temple of Kraden is hosting a Kradenmas (Christmas) fan fiction contest, and you're all welcome to take part! The rules are simple: The rules are simple: write a GS-themed or Templeverse-themed fanfiction and submit it no later than Kradenmas Eve at midnight. The limitations are as follow: the fic must fit into the fandom category previously outlined, and it must take place during winter. It need not concern itself directly with Kradenmas, but explicitly Kradenmas-oriented fanfictions are welcome. Templeverse concerns fanon made up by members of the ToK; if you're not a current member, it's probably not worth bothering about. More complete rules and information can be found here, and you'll need a forum account to take part. If you have any questions, you can ask in that topic or comment here. I hope that this takes the fancy of some of you. The more, the merrier!

fan fiction, advertisement

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