Feb 29, 2004 01:07
Johnny was the only witness to a 3 car accident yesterday. He was out driving around somewhere and two cars and a truck all managed to run into each other somehow and it was pretty serious. Johnny was the only one around so he stopped and jumped out and ran over to one car where the guy apparently came through the windshield and died right then and there in front of him. Needless to say, that was a little unsettling, but there was nothing he could do, so he went over to the truck and the guy in the truck also fell out somehow and was unconscious but was not dead. Then he went over to the other car which was farther away because it spun four times when it got hit and ended up over on the side of the road. That car had a 16 year old girl in it who was trapped in the car and hurt, but not life-threateningly. She could talk, but she was so scared that she refused to open her eyes, so Johnny got her to give him the number of someone she knew and so he called up this girl's boyfriend and let her talk to him to calm her down even though she still kept her eyes closed. Johnny had to stay there until the police and ambulance and fire truck all came and he had to file a witness report and everything, but it all sounded really terrible. From what he told me I couldn't figure out what caused the accident, but I didn't want to make him talk about it more than he wanted to, so I let it go. I was impressed that he did what he could though, watching someone die in a car accident in the messy manner that he described probably wouldn't inspire me to go help the other people, and would be too busy freaking out to be able to help anybody. It was rough on him though, and he said he thought of all his girls when he was helping the 16 year old. Because of that he made the rounds calling all of us today (including me) even though it was my turn to call him. Just hearing about it shook me up. I'm grateful that he wasn't in the accident.