may you live in interesting times...

Jun 28, 2007 19:46

It seems its only once a week i have something worth writing about... alas however, our team failed miserably at the pub quiz, coming a joint 6th and 11 points behind the winners. so no news there... though we probably avoided suspicion by not winning yet again...

not much really to say though... i go to work, 9-5.30, i come home, eat, come online and/or play games. or watch West Wing. (up to season 5 now!)

hardly the stuff journal updates are made of.
Incidentally, my sister not long ago had dinner with a gay couple and a lesbian, and spends a lot of time at Pink Punters... at what point do you start becoming suspicious?

finally... have you seen the new cabinet? OMG help us all....
its hard to know where to start, it really is... so immediate gripes...
Jack Straw as Lord Chancellor Secretary of State for Justice. Well anyone who knows the traditionalist in me would know i would go up in flames over this new blow to the the office of Lord Chancellor. Jacqui Smith as Home Secretary...? just a general wtf there...
Des Browne remaining as Defence Secretary? why? WHY?

Of course, i could find a lot to gripe about here... starting with Brown as PM and working down... but there's just so much wrongness here its annoying.
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