
Mar 26, 2006 18:12

Whoo, updating my livejournal.

Should I find it at all weird that I'm updating this more because people get annoyed that I never do so than because I actually have anything to say?

I guess it doesn't matter. The fact of the matter is, I'm here, I'm writing.

So...yeah. I don't know why, but I've been thinking religion. To be perfectly honest, there are a few religions (well, stemming from one whole) that I absolutely abhor, but the specifics of why will remain dark for now. You can probably guess which without much difficulty. Anyways, while debating where religions came from and stuff with a few friends, a point came up that the dead sea scrolls are virtually identical to the faith as its writings dictate, meaning that it couldn't have stolen shit from other religions! Newsflash. It did. Scrolls or no, religions have existed since before people even wrote shit down, before we knew HOW to write shit down. They were passed on as stories and such, parents to children. And christianity is a bloody sneakthief. This fact doesn't bother me, I don't see why it's a bad thing. Religions spread like war and hate crime causing diseases across this earth. They all have good ideas, and christianity has a conglomeration of all of them because it's a religion like english is a language. It's versatile and more popular because of how much it has evolved, how much stuff it's jacked from other places.
          "Love mankind" and all such are all wonderful things, but what I don't understand is this: People seem to get all worked up because people believe in the wrong god. We don't even know if the big guy exists. The way I see it, when one person worships his diety, and this one another, how do we know that they aren't different names for the same guy? How do we know there aren't multiple? If there are, what's wrong with that? There are wars, horrible atrocities, and all a manner of disgusting, abhorrent acts committed constantly in the name of a god, and nintey percent of these gods even tell their followers that war, death, destruction, and chaos are bad things. Where is the sense in this? Personally, if I start believing in a god, he'll basically be someone I can relate to. He'd be a nice enough guy, tries to do the right thing, but tends to have a bit of bystander syndrome going. Also, he wouldn't have created a hell. I don't see the point in creating a horrible, everlasting torment for wrongdoers. Why not just have them dissapear when they die? After all, if there isn't an afterlife, we all just dissapear, so why not say that the ones who deserve it get to stay, and the rest don't, end of story?
          Also, and this is the seller for me, anyone who qualified would get in. In my books, you could be a nice guy and not be of my religion, and you'd still be in. Just because you don't follow the mob doesn't mean you're a bad person. Large groups of people forcing their values on others account for so many of today's problems. Just look south for more proof every day.

Ok, so that ends my religion debate for now. On to something else. People. I'm feeling a little misanthropic right now. Just making sure my current bias is clear from the outset.

Now that that's out of the way, people are scum. Individually, some people can shine as an example of what we should aspire to, but you take that same person and put them in a group, and it always seems to bring out the worst. Not just in them, in everyone. Then there are those who are still worse. Those who are bad eggs to begin with, and who infect the group. Those who force their views, rather than accepting a difference. The world is positively infested with this kind of person, this fith that creates so much pain, mysery and hardship everywhere, and all because they believe that the only right and proper way for things to be is their way, and they're endlessly self-serving; lies, abuse, violence, harassment, nothing is wrong if it's done for their benefit. Dictators, presidents, leaders...they tend to float to the top because they're forceful, because people are cowed, and because people tend to believe at some small part of the back of their mind, at the bottom of their heart, that there is only one true way, and if they're so forceful with theirs, well, that must be it! Or maybe they believe as well, and they think something like "finally, someone is taking the lead". And no one stops them. The current focus of my anger is the United States. They are trying to be the World Police, ferreting out Terrorism and Evil Anti-American Thought and Wrongdoing. And they do this by killing people, killing innocents. I mean, they never kill innocents. They just use cluster bombs inside cities, they just...oh, murder a few dozen civillians because one of their marines died. Guess what guys? When you send people into a warzone, some of them die! If you can't accept that fact, DON'T SEND THEM THE FUCK IN THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE! Then there's the whole "We're better than everyone" thing. If everyone just stopped taking their shit and said no, all of these problems would dissapear. If we stopped selling stuff to them, stopped buying their stuff, stopped loaning them money, well, this whole problem would end in pretty short order, when their government collapsed and something at least slightly more sane arrived.
          Also, they say they're out there to help the world, and yet they do this by doing the same shit they always do. I'm more concerned about the AIDS epidemic. And world hunger and all those things. maybe if some governments put out more than partial percentages of income towards these problems, things would get better...plus one of the easiest ways to slow or stop AIDS is condoms. But the religious zealots we call the American government have said flat out that their aid money cannot be spent on condoms, or anything promoting them. So basically, they're giving money, but it can't be spent helping anyone. And then they turn around and ask you for a few bucks so they can fund their two-billion-a-day orgy of murder that they call their "War on Terror". It makes me sick.

Ok, newsflash. Adam has eaten and had a brief change in scenery. My new question is this: being gay.

Someone explain to me why people who are gay are somehow subhuman? I realize this sounds strong, but lets look at it. Everywhere you look, people are opposing everything that has to do with them. Gay marriage? It's UNHOLY and will only lead to...gasp! Happy gays! Shit, man! And it only gets worse. Just as every nationality or ideology has its stereotypes, they have theirs. Gay men are more girly than women. Don't believe me? Watch a fashion show with a male cast member. Lesbians have to be more masculin than every testosterone factory within thirty kilometres. It's not the stereotype that bothers me. Everyone has that. It's just how overblown theirs are. And as to the getting worse with dealing with them, in some states it is now illegal to have children and be gay. If you have a same-sex partner, or the state has reason to believe that you are homosexual, they take your children away and automatically refuse your requests to adopt.
          What's next? Internment camps? Correctional facilities? It's not something mutable, you don't decide to be gay, you are, or you aren't, or you stand in the middle and have the most fun. I'd like to crack a deal with one of those people who are convinced that being gay is something you can change: If one of you guys manages to turn yourself gay, I'll belive gays can go straight. And I'm gonna want proof. I want to see you enjoying yourself with another man, in the raunchiest way possible. I want to have some probes planted all over your body so we can tell for sure you're loving it. Once we get that, I'll believe all of your shit about it being mutable. Speaking as a straight, teenage, white male, I'm pretty damn certain I can't just flip over to being gay, and if you can't go one way, why should you be able to go the other?

My third rant is about the attack on videogames. I read up on stuff posted by a few people who are more artistically talented than me, and with the same views. I'm not going to bother ranting, when I can simply post some links. Have fun, kiddies.

Open Letter to Jack Thompson - by Tim Buckley, the incredibly talented and thoroughly amazing creator of Ctrl-Alt-Del
The Thin Blue Line - Scott Ramoosamair, the also incredibly talented, etc. Except this man brings us VGcats, and less often. Once per week, as opposed to three or four. But oh well, we love it anyways. Incidentally, names are probably spelled wrong. Meh.

I'm running out of steam now, so I think that will be all for now.

Later, all
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