Dec 17, 2006 12:32
So, Christmas is upon us...actually quite close to now. It's driving me insane. I fell so bad becasue I am totally broke and all I can get people are these cheap little trinkets. I seriusly hope that people like them becasue I chose them according to how I see thses people. Yet I feel so commercial becasue I know that Christmas is about peace and joy and all that stuff we are supposed to use all through the season. Yet I know that I never do.
I feel really bad though since I am going to school next year. At least I am planning too. I just I don't know if I am ready to go, Ifeel such a strong homesickness and I haven't even left yet. I am torn to because I want to get on with my life and become an adult and everything, but I just don't want to leave and lose connections with friends. The one thing that I have noticed about thuis year is that friendships are starting to slip away. Like all of the people that I thought were my friends are now just acquantices and it makes me sad, yet the people that I have known since public scholl are suddenly being seen in a new light. Maybe things aren't so bad around here?
Now as well people are begining to mak eme question things that I thought I knew for sure, do I actually know what I am talking about? Like all these things that I was sure about like going to school for pschology is totally a pipe dream. I now know taht I want to go into politics, not for the money but for the fact that I want change. Like I am proud to live and breathe Canadaian, yet it just seems like we are being amalgamated. I don't know. It's an intrepratation of my own.
It's been so long since I have done an entry into Live Journal but I feel as if I have nothing to say that is of importance to anyone but myself.
*so, I was listening to the news and they are planning to disalow Christmas Trees in Public places and how many diffrent religions are saying that it is sacriligious and all this hoo hah. I mean, it's just a tree, if you don't like it what can you do, Mel Lasman(a Jewish MAyor) says that it is just a tree..why can't we all just get along at Christmas and let things lay were they lay.?
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!