Happy New Year, Everyone!
I've been sequestered in an Undisclosed Location (that may be somewhere in NH without internet access) since the 30th, feasting and merrymaking with friends, but alas not too much and not skiing at all, for the accident has hurt my back and hip to the point where I feel like a 70-year-old lady at 24. It's very distressing, and the lower back and hip hurt all the time, but the jacuzzi that's available for use has certainly helped a bit. Still, not a good thing to start off the new year by bursting into tears of helplessness.
I'm down to the grad school for the day, but will be driving back up to stay through Friday, which should help things a bit. And then I think there might be a
yuki_onna and company on my horizon, which would totally be rocking.
New Year itself was lovely, though, what with the nap I took before the party, and staying up late with friends listening to good music, and presents, because I'm from Eastern Europe and there was a yelka. Doyle got me a lovely new digital camera that I've not had the chance to properly explore yet, but I will, and then there might even be pictures.
I do most of my resolving around Yom Kippur, but I think 2006 has been a pretty damn spiffy year. I got into grad school, finished a 1st draft of a novel, started grad school, I made new friends and met interesting people, I have been in a happy relationship. There've been down-notes, true. But overall, if 2007 is as good, I'll be very happy. Room to grow, and it can always be better. I could, for example, finish another novel, or edit the first one. Passing my Orals is high up there. Most of all? I could do without the pain, though.
Ah well. One day at a time.