Oct 03, 2005 17:12
I have to go to Trevor's class in like 15 minutes... and it's hot in this building :P A/c on the fritz is annoying. Who says new buildings work better than older ones?
Looked up some stuff on Harriet Miers... Honestly not too sure what to think. I think that it's sketchy that she's never been a judge at all and yet could now decide on cases in the highest court in the land. I think my worry also is derived from the notion that she was legal counsel for Bush and helped him to get out of jury duty so his drunk driving conviction would be hidden until late in the 2000 election. Ok, well that and she's a Bush buddy who, while being a very solid lawyer, doesn't seem to be a person who anybody can pin down much.
It appears she may well be a strict constructionist, which for a Bush nominee would not be surprising. Other people Bush would have nominated probably would have been similar on that count. I'd just liked to have seen someone that the Senate can actually have a history on. What they're getting instead is a white woman who doesn't appear to have made a mark in the sand showing what she believes. I think I would have preferred to see a nominee that was distinctive for her views, not who her personal friends are.