Dad got home today really early (for having done a 6 hours+ drive or so) He was here by 11am... He got up at 3 am cause he couldn't sleep and decided to get things ready to drive home. He and Marilyn found tons of stuff when they started cleaning out Grannie's place. Dad says they kept some old pictures but got rid of ones where he and marilyn couldn't figure out any of the people (inwardly I cringed at this... >.< thouse could have been fabulous for stuff :S people! do not get rid of old photos! send them to me! I do not care if they are your great uncle larry's long lost relatives whom no one can recall. I want them anyway.) Dad says that they found some wacky stuff... Including some of his medals from vietnam, which he explained to me today :)
Life otherwise has been uneventful. I've bought a few things that i pught not to have bought probably, but will enjoy immensely now that i have them (no point in remorse. might as well just enjoy them and try to be better in future.) I did splurge today and go to best buy cause they were having a special on select dvds. got garden state and HP PoA for like 10 bucks each :D so since i held off getting garden state the other night, I'm psyched that I have it now. This will be scary to people who know my habits on director commentaries: I want to listen to the ones on garden state. I really liked the film and figured if i only ever got it from the lib i'd never get to the point where i'd turn the captions off and just listen to the commentary.
Talked with Jac for two hours yesterday and it was amazingly good. She's the bestest of the estest. She told me her really kick ass news and I'm so keeping fingers and toes crossed for her. She works so hard and really deserves to get her shot at doing something she'd *adore* plus, I want her to be able to get one of the positions on the tour, which would be even more amazing. She's also so supportive and great. And she's not afraid to kick me in the pants metaphorically. Which, I needed, and am glad she could be honest with me about it. I thinkt he only thing that's poignant to me is the realization that no matter how much I'd like it, i don't think our lives are ever going to be close geographically again. it doesn't make us any less close in heart, just it means that I'm never going to have that best friend who I can drive over in 10 minites to see. i suppose the only way to think about it is that we'll keep in touch in other ways and it'll make the times we do see each other really great. I just hope that as we both have better finances that we'll be able to make the time to see each other more often (weekend retreats to places or something :) we'd both love that)
anyway, for a girl that's done crap all last couple of days this is one hella long entry. Last but not least: again... if ANYBODY knows ANYWHERE to find a stone carving or brass for bubbing of a CROW or RAVEN puhleeze let me know. I did a prelim sketch for this last night and I really need it >.< i am sad and lame and cannot draw... and if i do the drawing it's not like the peeps will say: lookit! outsider art! nonono, they will say: lookit! *giggle snort* teh crap! ;D (which is simultaneously heart-rending and hilarious).
really last: is it bad that it's july and i'm thinking i better start compliling a list of things (music and such) to give to the fam for teh birthday in november? because I figure I always forget what I want, and it might be handy. if i don't lose it somewhere that is...