When I went outside I got snow in my eye.

Jan 08, 2008 12:13

Lately it has felt like every organ in my body has something vaugely wrong with it, thus, culminating in an all around washed out sort of feeling.

I've been putting myself in hectic situations for no reason I can see, other than to apprently cause myself as much undue stress as I possibly can.
I'm behind in every single one of my bills.  Including rent for last month.  Our new land lord is a real number, and seems to find his satisfaction in life by belittling other people.  
I can't really understand what's running through my mind if I can't seem to get some semblance of a balanced life on my own after 8 months.

I'm in love with the idea of a boy I'll never see in person.  Lovely.

My mum has been beyond wonderful to me.  I've never appreciated her as much as I do as of late.

I start school again this week.  Which already feels very strange, but I trust said feeling will increase once I actually go to my first class.  Frightening.  In my head I have as much determination as possible attached to my approach of this class.  I'm just hoping I wind up putting that into an actual physical action.
While home my mother asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I initially decided that I wanted a bass.  While I won't get it for my birthday it is set to be my gift if I pass this class.  If that doesn't motivate me to do it, then I think I truly am lost.  Still, I need to think of what I want still.  As of now it's a toss up between a film camera and a whole lot of clay.  I would really like to start fiddling around with clay and sculpting.

On Sunday I rushed downtown to The Stem to catch a chat with Zach before he made his way to Montreal, which would eventually find him in Moncton, New Brunswick.   While it was lovely to see him as always I couldn't help feeling a bit green over his adventures across the country.  Soon.  soonsoonsoon.  I hope.

Lately while at work I find I'm spending more time writing than actually doing any work.  I'm quite happy about this.

I went book hunting over the weekend and came out with golden purchases.

Last week I also stumbled across an extremely dense and wonderful oral history of The White Stripes.  I didn't even know this book existed, but am beyond glad it found its way into my collection.
I also picked up Leonard Cohen live which has been my sleeping partner ever since.
Very comforting.
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