Jan 10, 2005 12:02
so i made this page because i was bored and figured every one else has one, why not me....so my weekend was pretty fun....lets see friday i had band practice and then went to a show at the pit with steve dave and missy...then afterwards we went to steak and shake woitha bout 20 people...it was prety funny....some poeple included lowercase, alex from in place of briar, a bunch of girls and us....then afetr that i drpped off steev and dave and me and missy drove around for a while...i wanted to kiss her all night but i just was waiting...we wre tryin to find somethin to doi but it was like 1 in the morning so we didnt have anything so out of the blue i was just like, wanna makeout and so we pulled over and then i took her home at 2....fun day....saturday started off with me bieng pissed cuz my phone got turned off so i had to go pay that and then i went to the movies with the people (besides my band bf's) who are the closest to my heart as far as friends go...jeni, lindsey, jamie, meggan, ben, his friend kelley and matt. we saw white noise...bad ending to the movie thats all....then we went to jaime's party...i had fun meetin girls but the crew left minus ben and kelley after about 30 minutes...j tweezy was there, shall we dance was t here, in place of briar was there....it was fun...i met a girl named lexi...shes a cutie and we ended up making out for a while...i am really drawn to her for some reason...shes cool but yea then i left at like 3 and went to jenis to pik up meggan and then went home....sunday i went to church and then me and jacquelyn(my ex gf) came back here for likr 30 minutes then i took her home and went to practice which went well...jaime and her friends came to practice and saw us...it was neat...then i came home and rested and now i am here talking to this journal...fun weekend ..talk at ya later..peace