Sep 23, 2004 09:52
It is absolutely stunning to see what develops in the month of September. I did not realize until this year at how much devastation occurs between people who 'love' each other. I put 'love' in quotation marks because, i thought i knew what love was and realized, the type of love i was saying was infatuation, obsession, passion, can i, at the age of 19, know what love is? How can anyone at a young age really know what love is? Sure, there is romance and feeling very deeply for someone...but how do you really know what it is? Do you say 'i love you' to someone because they have spoken it to you and you are saying it back because you feel 'obligated' to say it also?
Sure, i thought i was in love...but really, i was just incredibly happy. I enjoyed spending every minute with that one person. I enjoyed the connection we had. I enjoyed the cuddling. I enjoyed every moment. And, after one week of spending every day, every minute, every second with the person (granted, he was my friend before this), I thought i was in love because we connected so well and so deep. WE both thought this. But, is that really true? Is love that easy to fall in and out of?
I realize now that what you really need to do is look at a person, if you feel an instant connection, great! But, is there really more to that connection? Is it a physical attraction? Is it a spiritual attraction? Is it just attraction?
Does the person make you feel happier than you have ever been before? Do they establish a sense of fulfillment, a sense of trust, a sense of something you have never had before? Are they easy to talk to and get to know? Are you extremely comfortable around them? What is it that captivates you so deeply about the person?
If it is just being captivated...could it just be infatuation and not really love? If you let infatuations get the best of you, remember who will be hurt in the long what makes you happy. be with the person who makes you the happiest.
If you are ready to end something...ask yourself why....why am i doing this? because of a new person in my life? because i am truly unhappy?
Basically, everything revolves around being happy. Life is hard, and when you are faced with the hard times, will you be able to see that person you 'love' and smile? will you be able to feel happy even though everything seems to be going wrong?
I know everyone has their own opinion of love. But, honestly, what is it really to you? An auto-response you say because it is 'expected' or because you truly mean it? As a friend once said, 'Love is the most over-used and misinterpreted word.'
So, can you honestly look at the 'love of your life' and feel the same way you did when you first met him/her? Do they create a sense of comfort, a sense of relaxation, a sense of peace?
What is it they do for you that no one else has ever been able to do for you? Do they understand you, even though you may be being unreasonable? What do they do to make you feel the way you do, to cause you to say, 'i love you'?