So, remember how I said I was going to just remake a dress to save time and because it would be easy? Well apparently, easy doesn't exist in my world.
As I was looking around for the original portrait I had based the original dress on, I came across another old favorite of mine. This is Bernhard Strigel, Portrait of a Woman. It has been on my list of Things to make for some time now. What I particularly love about it is the pleatwork hemd. The bodice for the dress will need to be altered slightly, but it is very doable. I will need to raise the neckline and the shoulders, possibly recut the armseye, but I have the room to do that since the waist now sits far too low on the current dress for the correct silhouette .
The only concern I have is that the sleeves are two piece tie-in sleeves, which I am not sure work with the U-shaped front dress. Most of the portraits I can think of with the same bodice front shape have one piece sleeves. The only dress styles I can think of that have two piece sleeves have a different bodice front opening shape. But I can cross that bridge when I come to it. Currently I am working on the smock, and that will take me some time to complete.