My cats are big babies

Jan 14, 2024 11:20

With the cool Winter temps, I’ve had the windows closed. Granted, I am part polar bear. But I honestly have not been cold. I’ve had a couple of times where I had to open a window to cool off.

During the day, Oscar guards us from the kitty tower while Kike naps on the end of the bed. All this morning, I haven’t really seen them. So, I looked inside the kitty carrier.

I never ended up putting the carrier away because Kiki likes it. I figure, if I have to take anybody to the vet, they will be very familiar with the carrier and not freak out (as much). Today, both of my full grown adult cats are huddling in the carrier. It’s big enough for one cat. Oscar is a big boy. He’s about 16-20 pounds and he’s solid. Gingers tend to grow big. Kiki is the correct size for your average cat but she’s a chunk. When I first brought them home, they both got kitten food for a year. Oscar was a kitten. During that year, Kiki packed on some weight. I switched them both to adult food and she lost most of that weight but not all. She’s a voluptuous girl. And she has long, velvety fur.

In fact, both these knuckleheads have quite thick fur. I feed them well and it shows. I don’t have a fur coat and I’m fine. They have higher bodies temperatures and a luxurious fur, but then huddle together in a small space for warmth. I’m still in tank tops and flip-flops, but they are cold.

I had to turn on the heat. It’s no skin off my nose financially, but dang it, I’m hot all the time! These two little fiends are equipped to survive the tundra, but they are chilly so I have to roast.

It’s a good thing I’m in charge around here.
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