Go away

Nov 08, 2023 09:51

Her: Hey! You okay ( Read more... )

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mackiemesser November 9 2023, 02:43:52 UTC
OK, I am seriously creeped out by all the "I LOVE YOU"s and "I'm here for you." It's giving stalker/parasocial vibes and just why the fuck can't she leave well enough alone? Seriously close to harassment, perhaps even over that line. I can't imagine ever saying stuff like that to anyone, especially on what I presume is work equipment. (I would save the conversation for HR purposes if it becomes necessary...)


adelheide November 9 2023, 02:49:08 UTC
She's a nice lady. She very...effluvient with her affection.

But if she's done something like this once, chances are she will do it again. And I don't want to be around when that happens.


mackiemesser November 9 2023, 05:34:44 UTC
You're a stronger/better person than me, then, because what she's doing bothers me on sooooo many levels and I would not be able to tolerate it.

I would not be surprised if she has a file in HR.


adelheide November 9 2023, 18:19:39 UTC
I don't think I'm a better person. I'm just always looking for the path of least resistance. I want peace.


mackiemesser November 10 2023, 00:55:09 UTC
Peace would be nice for a change, I agree.


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