Jul 23, 2004 00:06
WEEEEELLLLLLLL i would like to formally invite anyone who wants to go to windsor on September 17,18 and 19 for mine, andys and bres three day b day celebration!!!! call me for more info or post if you want to know more....all i know is it will be tons of fun,.,,evenm more than niagara falls was last weekend. Tonight i went to scoreboards and it was clearly spectacular! Our team definitely won the name that tune,,, which was grand however; i am clearly sad that ms. henning will be leaving us on saturday ---but she will return in november! i will clearly miss you hun!--and all the clearlys in my journal entry are dedicated to you !!!!!!!!!!:-* today my dad gave me money to take my lil bro out to eat so we went to bob evans and on the way the ashley simpson song came on so i called and left roe this amazingly wierd voice mail of me singing but it made her day a whole lot brighter so that was good,,, then i came home and attempted to nap...hence why i took the phone off the hook and ppl kept knocking on my door ---hello if i dont answer the first time wouldnt you get the hint i dont want to see/talk to you ? LOL im gettin my hair cut tomorrow which is good cuz its been a while but grandma only comes into town every once in a while so im takin advantage of the free haircut! lol oh by the way at score boards i left my window down through the pouring rain storm!!!! hahaha so when i got home my grandpa asked if the storm scared me ? ands i said "no why" and he replied " well then your depends must not be working any better than mine" hahahahahhahahahhhahahahah gotta love him!oh well i am going to go look up airline tickets for chi town ! peace this entry is all ova the place cuz im tired......:-P