Jun 12, 2006 09:48
You know what I love, and there's no sarcasm intended here: self-diagnosis. I just think it's so funny when people get minor symptoms and focus so intently on them that they don't go away, and therefore must think something is horribly wrong. Then, they search for the symptoms online and find the one outlandish disease that has those symptoms and get convinced that that is exactly what they have, thus perpetuating the cycle even more. It makes me laugh, because I think a lot of people, myself definitely included, have done this on multiple occasions just to find out that whatever the symptoms they had were nothing. Sometimes people just think too much. Be aware of your body, sure, that's vital, but don't let your head control what your body actually feels, unless for its benefit. The mind is a powerful thing after all. :P
Just wish I could tell my brain that sometimes...