Well, it happens that one favorite site of mine is contains a various entires about fairytales from many countries. I's well written, and a good source to start. I'll just give you the link, if there is any other tales that ain't listed here, I would post it overtime.
http://www.pitt.edu/~dash/folktexts.html Well, for more educational purpose, this person has collected a vast amount of refferences of tales and folklores around the world. A very good resources I must say.
http://www.aesopfables.com/ This site has a good collection of links about fables and tales. Many of those contains a good refference too!
http://www.dragonrest.net/romanian/fairytales.html This is another site of three beautiful Romanian tales. Very well written and also has great ilustrations!
http://russian-crafts.com/tales.html This site is a complete resources of tales from Russia and Ukraina.
http://www.darsie.net/talesofwonder/ Another good site for your refference :)