letter from big jon of chicago!

Nov 11, 2010 12:08

what a delightful letter to wake up to! i wish i could remember more of the conversation we had that night. i can't express how much it means to me to receive something like this, to feel that someone genuinely understood and appreciated my ideas. isn't that what we all crave?

"Ahoy, Sara!

Firstly, you do not look much like your profile picture. So I did not recognize you in person.

And secondly, I have to thank you. Even though it is over a week since Hallowmas, I have to say, with the [b]utmost[/b] sincerity, that the conversation we had at Rat & Kit's was one of the highlights of my weekend. In a weekend of dozens of highlights, and over 70 people met, that conversation was stimulating, and thought-provoking, and actually made me reflect upon the possibility of ever even [i]dabbling[/i] in law enforcement, as well as the role of such authority in society at large.

And that was just one conversation! :D
I may have not been on my A-game, conversation-wise, that night, but I still very much enjoyed the ideas we exchanged, and the joyous and ambitious and idealistic sentiments that we shared. We must definitely continue this conversation in the future.

Further, I admire your passion and drive and courage to push the Inferno scene to it's mischievous and world-changing potential. I only wish that I had come to the East with more to offer, so as make the weekend about not only friendship, joy, camaraderie, passion, and the Inferno, but also about anarchy and optimism, and a vision of the future that defies what is set out for us.

Really, in the end... all I can say is thank you.
And don't ever let anyone do anything to kill your passion, or that magnificent mind of yours. And yet, I doubt that would ever be a worry.

Lastly, you made Hallowmas all the more fun. And that sign was fantastic. Hallowmas does not end... keep on celebratin'... all year long...

Regards, and redguards,

P.S. May I call you Sara?
P.P.S. Good luck with that chump at work."
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