The washer is broken and I'm holding out on going to the laundry mat.
You know how in sitcoms laundry mats are always full of single male things folding tidy whities?
That's so not my laundry mat. Mine has this wierd drunk guy that will steal your quarters if you don't pay attention. Also, it has a mother who loves to bring her children along, who in turn love to pick their noses and wipe it on everything.
Shouldn't laundry mats be a mecca for clean? I'm going to have to start driving all the way across town to the better part of town where the laundry mats aren't missing overhead lights.
And now I'm off to watch Angels in America as OMG!EMMATHOMPSON and I owe
pontificated a detailed report. It's not due back until Saturday, so I'm going to watch a little each night. Unless of course it is too good and I must watch it all at once. In which case I can probably fit in a couple of viewings between work and the laundry hell place.
beckerhead did you get your copy of Silent Night? My Limewire hates me and I can't find a good copy!
neonafterglow where are you?! I haven't spoken to you in forever and a day!