Well, this post likely won't be of interest to anyone except
accordingtomel, but I come bearing icons of Jeff B. Davis!
If you don't know who he is, the short version is this: Tall. Handsome. Hilarious. Sings. The long version is that he's an excellent improv comedian and one of the strongest players on Drew Carey's Improv-a-ganza show currently airing on GSN. I highly, HIGHLY recommend checking out the show; even if you don't have GSN, they put up full episodes and clips on their
website, which are all viewable in and out of the US, so YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE. (Episode 5 is particularly good, and 11, which isn't up yet, but I laughed till it hurt last night.)
On with the icons!
And for Mel, who thoroughly enjoys the comedic partnership of Jeff Davis and Chip Esten:
So, on the off-chance you're not Mel and you're looking at this post and wanting some icons, kindly comment and credit if you take any. :)