Title: Of Wardrobes And Feather Boas.
Pairing(s): Finn/Kurt.
Warnings: Fluff, sweetness, and vain attemps at humour.
Spoiler(s): Yes, I suppose. For episode sixteen and what may happen in future episodes. ( But since I do not actually know what is going to happen, I cannot confirm this, only hope. )
Word count: 680.
Rating: G.
Summary: Kurt is sad, so Finn makes plans to cheer him up.
Author's Notes: I am insane - conclusion drawn. I have also wanted to go to IKEA and actually do this, but yeah, the less said about my really terrible, childish sense of humour, the better. With thanks as always to the lovely, tireless, long suffering Muffin - aka
woodsgal - for soothing my fears and poking and prodding me and just for being her. ILY, Muffin, and you are an awesome beta.
Ever since Finn and his mom had moved into the Hummel residence, he had noticed that Kurt had been down. He hadn’t been…Kurt.
Oh, he’d still been doing his funky skin care stuff and dressing in all those designer clothes - many of which the names Finn had never even heard of before - and had insisted that Finn help him choose the wallpaper, paint, carpet, blankets and God only knew what else it was that Finn had been forced to help choose for their room. But he wasn’t…Kurt. He didn’t smile and laugh as much, and on the rare occasion he let his guard down, he looked sad.
That was what Finn Hudson had noticed about his new roommate.
It also made Finn worry.
Kurt Hummel was possibly the strongest person Finn knew. He never let anyone get him down, and he was perfectly comfortable in his body, with who he was. Because he was Kurt Hummel, and he didn’t give a damn what anybody else thought.
But what he did care about was the love and approval of his father.
Burt Hummel was great. Having grown up without a father, it was kind of nice to have one now, Finn found. He had someone to watch the games with, someone to talk sport with. Someone who got it - someone who understood sport and why he liked it so much. He loved his mom, he really did, but she didn’t get it. And Burt did, and that was great. It really was. But it made Kurt said.
Finn, despite people calling him stupid, could see that, at least. He could see that Kurt felt left out. He wanted to talk to his dad, wanted to bond with him the same way that Finn was doing, only he wasn’t able to. His father had no interest in fashion or any of the things that Kurt was into. But Kurt wanted his father to love him, to appreciate him. He wanted his father to approve. Kurt cared deeply for his father - he had thrown that note for him, after all. And Kurt knew what it was like to have grown up with only one parent - he got that, he did.
And so Finn decided that he was going to do something to cheer Kurt up.
That was how Finn Hudson found himself hiding in Kurt Hummel’s wardrobe, in the basement room they now shared, waiting for Kurt to come in and open the doors so he could surprise him.
Eventually Kurt did come in, and Finn could hear the sniffles he was making. It made his chest ache hollowly, and he tensed as footsteps neared him in his hiding place. Slowly the doors opened, and Finn leapt out with a roar.
“You’ve found Narnia!” he cried.
Kurt screamed, clutching his hands to his chest, then he saw Finn and stared at him wide eyed for a moment. Then he burst out laughing.
Finn looked ridiculous. He was wearing all brown but, oddly, had a black feather boa wrapped around his head and a pair of cat ears from God only knew where were peeking out from between the feathers. He had drawn a black spot on the end of his nose and then whiskers over his cheeks. He had obviously stolen a pair of his mother’s tights and had stuffed one leg with something - paper? Cotton wool? Kurt wasn’t sure - and then tied the other leg around his waist to make a tail.
Finn bathed in the glow of Kurt’s laughter, watching as he shook with it, as he fell back onto his bed, uncontrollable giggles and gasps for air escaping him. Finn beamed, immensely pleased with himself and the fact that he had remembered Kurt said the Narnia books had been his favourite when he was young.
“So it worked? You've cheered up?” Finn asked. Kurt looked at him, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes, then he stood and stepped forward, wrapping his arms tightly around Finn.
“Yes. Thank you, Aslan. Thank you.”