Prompting is OPEN

Oct 04, 2015 00:29


❂ Prompting opens today(!) until October 30. Submit brief prompts here in the comments (which will be screened), or on Twitter with the tag #lukaibingo. Mentioning @adeerandadancer helps, too, in case the tag is mistyped or is accidentally missed.

RICH PROMPT: cat sitting; X-Men AU; liver transplant

POOR PROMPT: Water... Earth... Fire... Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished.

❂ At least 75 prompts are needed, but the more the better. They'll be randomly put onto cards at the end of the month and emailed out to participants.

❂ One prompt per tweet, but you can list them in the comments.

❂ You do NOT need to sign up to prompt, and you do NOT need to prompt to sign up.

❂ A separate sign-up post will be up when the time comes.

❂ Complete rules can be found here.

modpost, round: 3 (bingo), prompt post

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