#42 30 Seconds

Aug 03, 2015 00:06

Title: 30 Seconds
Rating: PG
Word Count: 990
Summary: Jongin plans to make the boy of his dreams notice him, armed with only his phone, a dollar-store speaker set, and a choice song to get his feelings across. His music app has other plans.

Six months. That was how long it had taken him to get to this very spot. Six months ago, Jongin had been just a brand new high school freshman and a brand new school, trying to find his way in this new world of large lockers and ever larger upperclassmen. But it wasn’t until one afternoon and one missed bus late that his life changed forever - or at least, that’s what he’d told Jongdae and Chanyeol, who’d both laughed so hard they’d nearly cried, with Jongin all the while wishing one of them would choke on their lunch in the process.

Whatever. Cheesy or not, one thing certainly changed, for on that day he witnessed the most beautiful sight he had ever seen, in the form of the school’s star athlete and soccer team captain, Lu Han. Even is name sounded cool. Of course he’d heard of him - nearly every girl in his grade seemed to know about him, trying to sneak into the team’s practice sessions, and generally proclaiming him as if he was like a god among men. Jongin had not been impressed at the time, but if he could go back in time, he’d kick himself in the butt for not believing every word those girls said.

Lu Han was…wow, how did he even begin? He was handsome, for starters, with a face like a porcelain doll and fluffy blonde hair that was totally not natural but totally so gorgeous. Not to mention he was a demon at the game - although, you’d have to be pretty good to be team captain, right? And that smile -- the first time Jongin had ever seen him he’d flashed one that he swore blocked out the sun for a little bit in its own brilliant radiance. Of course, it hadn’t actually been directed at Jongin - it was towards their coach, n the stands above where he sat - but he felt it was. And from that moment he was completely, utterly, and irrevocably smitten.

The only problem was…Lu Han was s senior. And popular. And Jongin was a freshman. And sat with the social equivalents of the invisible man. Lu Han, surrounded by beautiful girls and equally handsome men all day probably didn’t even know he existed. But that wasn’t about to stop Jongin.

Lucky for Jongin, he had contacts; or rather he had Jondae, and Jongdae had contacts through his boyfriend in choir, who knew this girl, who knew the previous captain of the football team who also used that field sometimes, who knew a guy, who knew another guy on the same team, who knew the best friend of Lu Han.

And through a more-than-sketchy meet up behind the gym and several purchases of chocolate bubble tea as bribes later, he had secured the one thing he’d needed for the execution of operation get-Lu-Han-to-notice-me: an address.

Lu Han’s home address, that is. Thankfully for Jongin, it hadn’t been as far away as he’d worried it would have been. Jongdae and Chanyeol had ‘scouted the perimeter’ the day before, assuring him that there wasn’t a dog in the back yard, and that Lu Han’s window was the one facing the back of the house (how they knew that, Jongin didn’t ask, but he figured that it was probably less than legal and potentially involving someone being hiked up over the side of the fence). Not that his own plan was any less questionable in the eyes of the law. But hell, it was romantic. At least by the definition of the dramas his sister watched, which his sometimes more often than not watched with her.

The night he’d picked was perfect. Lu Han had a test he would be home studying for, as Jongin had been informed after another bubble tea filled information swap, and would be awake late. Meaning it would be the perfect night for Jongin to sneak into his backyard and proclaim his feelings towards him once and for all. The full moon beat down on the shipped paint of Chanyeol’s old van as the three of them came to a halt across the street from the house. With a pat on the back from Jongdae and a distracted ‘go get ‘em’, from Chanyeol, too busy tapping away at his phone to look up at him, Jongin clamored out of the car, armed with only his phone and a dollar-store speak set plugged into the headphone jack.

Hopping over the fence was a little more difficult than he’d expected, and his poorly executed ‘ninja-roll’ upon landing on the other side was less than graceful, but he’d finally made it, standing beneath the window, light spilling from behind pulled curtains. He throws a rock. It misses, landing in the bushes instead. Cursing under his breath, he throws another - this time it hits, tapping against the windowpane with a sharp ‘tink’. The curtains part and the window opens, with a rather confused looking Lu Han sticking his head out to look at Jongin, his clear confusion doubling at that. Fumbling with the speaker, he wastes no time pulling up the right song, aiming the speakers, and clicking play.

“LET’S TALK ABOUT YOUR PROSTATE - FIVE SIGNS YOU’VE---“ The rest of the ad is muffled by Jongin’s hand as he frantically mutes the volume.

An advertisement.

30 seconds long.

Unable to be skipped.

He wanted to die.

Lu Han, for his part, hasn’t slammed the door in his face, but instead stares down at him even more perplexed than before. After the longest 30 seconds of Jongin’s life tick past at last, the real song plays, blasting Teenage Dream to the heavens. That earned him the smile he’d been waiting for.

And somehow, 30 seconds of hell and six months of dates and apologizes for trespassing later, he’d gotten just want he wanted, hand-in-hand with the most perfect boy of his dreams. Even if he was still never able to live it down.

rating: g/pg, round: 2 (microfic fest), wc: 500-1k

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