wow today has been long but awesome. i worked early AGAIN *SIGH* but it wasnt so bad. i had fun working with my friends. after work i came home and showered to get ready to head over to my friend ricky's. we drove by wendy's on the way to his house. we ate, hung out and i played with his ADORABLE daughter Nami-nai. after that Ricky's girlfriend Amy dreaded my hair.
yes i now have dreadlocks. :)
it took 6 hours and we took a few breaks but it was fun and i loved hanging with them. after it was done i left and went to justin's house to show him :) we hung out for a little bit and i came home since i have homework to do tomorrow. yikes. tomorrow i have my assistant manager's b-day party at the social. leslie and i are going together. :) it'll rock. im VERY tired now. night now
here's some pics:
in the process of getting the dreads
the finished product :)