RIP Mardi Gras.
my first and favorite budgie died the other day.
i saw him have a seizure then die.
i am really really sad about it-- but people seem to think i'm not.
i hate hate HATE how geoff's mom just decided it doesn't bother me &tell everyone that. i am getting fucking sick of her.
josh bought me a red rose [<--- favorite flower] the day mardi died, so i put it on mardi's grave. yes; i made him a little grave. i burried him and circled where he lay with rocks. one says "RIP" and another says "Mardi Gras '99 ---- '04" in black sharpie.
soon i will post pictures of:
the most recent trip to hollywood,
me making weird faces just for fun,
and josh premo drunk.
OH yes. and i plan on switching back to my
pinkheart account eventually. when it actually happens, i'll notify.