I humped Matt Gettler!!! HAHA kidding. kind of? what?
Anyways im back in neversink and it blows
I had an amazing time in NH nick and alicia came to pick me up and they had an early thanksgiving dinner with my family and i then we took off for lovely NH.
Thursday i got to see Matt and i had never been so happy to see someone in my entire life... i mean of course i was happy to see everyone but im silly and i saw a picture of him before i saw him and i started crying and i called him and made him promise that he'd come show me his nipples hahaha. I jumped on him when i saw him i was so fucking excited.I love him more than life its self.
Friday i had thanksgiving with my family and then alicias family then natasha picked up alicia and i and nick and brandon met us in salem... it was fun times.
Matt and i looking at pictures... and thats what you should do as well
arnt we faggots <3
alicia and i
alicia natasha and i
nick and natasha
brandon and i
I will always be a yankee at heart <3