About Me. Copy and Paste and replace yourself with me.

Oct 25, 2004 11:11

1. First Name? Adeline

2. Were you named after anyone? No. It turns out the name was on both sides of the family tree, but they didn't know it at the time. Just liked the name.

3. Which finger is your favorite? Depends on my mood. Mostly I like them all. Especially when they work together to do things like type, knit, express. They're singular efforts are nice as well. I guess my right hand pinky cause it was chopped of when I was little, and you can see the scars from when they sewed it back on.

4. Are you answering these questions during work? where else would i be?

5. When did you last cry? I can't remember the last time I cried when I was awake. Well, I always tear up when I see other people crying, like on TV. But that's more reactionary, I'm not really crying. I wake up crying all the time. Usually a dream about losing a family member.

7. What is your favorite lunch meat? Lunch meat. Yuk. Sorry that sounds really gross to me right now.

8. Any bad habits? I'm lazy, a procrastinator, I can be really sloppy, especially when I'm feeling blue. I realized a new one, well it's not new, but the realization of it is new. I always think I can do anything, so I go out and embark on these huge projects, whether it be jobs or adventures or volunteer stuff. Then I convince the unnamed hiring party that I'm right for the venture. So they pick me. Then I proceed to work myself into a panic attack, depression, anxiety attack until I actually start said thing. Oh another bad habit. Party coordinator. Doesn't matter if it's my party or not, but I always take it upon myself to make sure everyone's being included and everyone's having fun.

9. What is your most embarrassing CD on the shelf? I don't embarrass easily. there are some CD's I'd like to demand my money back for, but I'm not embarrassed about that.

10. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? That's a good question. I think I just had an outta body experience. I think I would be friends with me. I don't know, our personalities might clash, we'd both want to be the center of attention. ha ha

11. Are you a daredevil? In the sense that I take risk and adventures and say yes to things that might be scary. But no, in the sense of actual physical stuff. Jumping out of planes and skiing the steepest slopes don’t necessarily appeal to me.

12. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? Probably, but I’m sure I swore the person I told to secrecy. 

13. Do looks matter? Not in the long run.

14. How do you release anger? On my boyfriend. Ha ha. Just kidding. Kinda. Awwww Ethan.

15. Where is your second home? I don’t understand the question…..just kidding. I’m a home body. I don’t really like having commitments, but I guess Improv Olympic comes close. I have class there 3 hours a week. I work there 6 hours a week. I’m usually there watching shows 3-5 hours a week. And off and on I’m performing there.

16. Do you trust others easily? I’d say yes. I’m very instinctual. I can usually tell if a person is trust worthy right from the get go.

17. What was your favorite toy as a child? Barbies and Garbage Pail kids

18. What class in school do you think is totally useless? No useless classes, just useless teachers and curriculums

19. Do you use sarcasm a lot? I don’t like sarcasm. It negates the person you’re talking to. It’s almost like being funny at the expense of your friend. I think it’s pretty dead end one-liner humor. I don’t think sarcasm will ever lead to hearty full laughter. I usually only use it when I’m bitchy and annoyed.

20. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? Yes, it was very scary.

21. What do you look for in a Woman/Man? A heartbeat. I’ve done it once and I swore I’d never do it again, Robots just aren’t as much fun, and they’re so freaking sensitive.

22. Who is your favorite singer? My friend Tara.

23. What are your nicknames? I’m not big on nicknames. But recently Kathy’s called me Muppet. I like that.

24. Would you bungee jump? Yes

25. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Nope

26. Do you think that you are strong? I’ve always imagined if war broke out or some major catastrophe broke out, I’d emerge as a hero. On the flip side, it really bothers me when I think someone doesn’t like me. I also don’t like the feeling of not liking someone else.

27. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Jamocha Almond Fudge at Baskin Robins

28. Shoe Size? 10

29. What are your favorite colors? Lavender

30. What is your least favorite thing? Selfishness, Ignorance, & Arrogance. (I agree with this answer Kathy)

31. How many wisdom teeth do you have? Aren’t wisdom teeth interesting? They must have been there back in the day when we broke and lost a lot of teeth, so they came in and moved teeth over and filled in the gaps, giving us a few more years of being able to eat. Um, me, sorry, none. Got those little bastards pulled.

32. How many people have a crush on you right now? Probably no one. I’ve been in a relationship for almost 4 years. I don’t think I send out that vibe.

34. Do you want everyone you send this to, to send it back? At this point. Hell’s yes. You’ll understand when you get to this point.
35. What color pants are you wearing? Oh shit. I knew I was forgetting something.

36. What are you listening to right now? Phones ringing. Whispery voices. Traffic. The door to my bosses office. If he open it I have to switch screens real fast and get back to pretending to work.

37. Last thing you ate? Promaxx power bar and coffee

38. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Lavender. It calms people. That’s what I try to do.

39. What is the weather like right now? Sunny as always in California. A little chilly maybe.

40. Last person you talked to on the phone? Ethan.

41. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Style

42. Say something nice or insightful about the person that sent this to you ? Kathy is quiet, but I think she’s got a lot of inner strength and character. She has a great sense of humor. I consider her my people.

43. How are you today? Much happier. The PMS dragon finally loosened it’s grib. I’ve got cramps but I’ll take those over a mental mind fuck any day.

44. Favorite drink? Diet Sunkist.

45. Favorite Alcoholic Drink? Cabernet or Red Zinfandel for wine. Negro Model or Guinness for beer. Dirty Martini for liquor.

46. Favorite Sport? I hate watching sports. Favorite to play is Volleyball or swimming

47. Hair color? “mousy” brown according to my friend Nickollette

48. Eye color? I say Hazel, but my sister and boyfriend insist they’re blue.

49. Do you wear contacts? Not anymore! I got the lasic!

50. Siblings? Two sisters and a little 6’4” brother.

51. Favorite month? November. Combo, it’s my B-day month and it’s fall and holidays are approaching.

52. Favorite food? Food.

53 Last movie you watched? American Splendor. Wicked cool.

55 Are you too shy to ask someone out? No. But I like to be asked out better than asking.

58. Hugs or kisses? I used to be a big kissing fan. But I’ve turned into more of a cuddle bug lately. I still like both.

59. Relationships or one night stands? Relationships

60. Do you want your friends to write back? no...YES...OF COURSE!!!

61. Who is most likely to respond? Those who care.

62. Least likely to respond? Everyone that hates me. This will be the true test. It will bring all the people that hate me to the surface. Tee hee

64. What books are you reading? I just finished Wicked, and I’m in the middle of 3 or 4 Improv books.

66. Favorite board game? Scrabble at the moment
67. What did you watch on TV last night? Sopranos second season

68. Favorite smells? Ethan. Cookies baking. Anything cooking actually.

69. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? My brain doesn’t really start working til about now.

70. When is your b-day? Nov. 4th
Damn this was long. And I even erased some questions. Tee-hee.
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