Jul 01, 2008 23:50
Ok. I've abandoned this thing for a month and a half now. So here goes:
my life feels like it's exploding in every which direction. well, not really. but that's how it feels. i'm moving out of this apartment and am in a mad rush to find one that is acceptable before August. I realized that a 45 minute commute is perfectly acceptable if i have a really nice apartment in a really nice neighborhood, especially if i'm not pay $2500 a month for it. I've settled on Bay Ridge and Forest Hills as my prime targets. I'm going to see some places tomorrow after work and hopefully I can sign a lease and be done with this.
Work is just one piece of chaos after another. Just as things start to somewhat cool down, and I start to think that I can hang in there until spring or next year when the job market improves and I can start looking for a new job then (esp in Boston), things go completely haywire and it really just makes me question the stability of the company. Or rather, what will be left of my mental stability after another year here. My coworkers are fantastic, but I either need a vacation or something needs to change because I keep doubting my work and now I can't tell if I'm even doing a good job. Thank god for the upcoming 3 day weekend.
Thursday night after work, Patrick and I are heading over to Long Island to hang with Jen and Norb for some bars, beach, and fireworks. It's been a while since the last ShantyFest, so this will be a welcome break. Also, Brad is moving back to the states! It's official! He got a job in DC, and is stopping by NYC for some lovin' at the end of the month. What else... my family has finally decided they are moving away to Kansas City mid-July, the house is finally rented out which is fantastic. Liz and Ryan's wedding was this past weekend, and I got to go as Arty's date. It was a really fun time, aside from the flight mishaps to and from Detroit. I really hate flying domestic.
Other than all that... nothin' doin'. I want a couple weeks to myself to veg out and not do anything. The last month and half has been a whirlwind of trips to CT, Boston, MI, appointments, and work. I've had no free time to get anything done.
Oh. And I may or may not be entertaining thoughts of law school again... (I know. I'm insane).