Oct 21, 2006 16:52
so, here it is. Today, I was asked to go dancing with a girl that I met on Sunday. She also happens to be a former crush of mine's exgirlfriend. so, basically, they still hang out, so he would prolly be there. So anyway, I said no. Why? because I am freaked out beyond control about going clubbing or dancing. freaked out of my mind. Why? I have absolutely no idea. A friend of mine once said I would never survive in a bar setting. Am I that sheltered that I can't go with someone who I trust with my life, and his friends?? ugh. This makes me so frustrated. Maybe someday I'll get up the guts to go. I didn't even have a reason. So I just said no. What a jerk am I. Next time, I'll have to say yes. I'm so blasted sheltered.