Name: Erika
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Location: Georgia
Relationship Status: Committed(my Boyfriends name is Hollis)
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Geico Emergency Roadservice Dispatcher however, I may not have a job much longer.
Children: None right now, possibly ever
Pets: 2 kittens (gizmo andd bella) and 1 dog (her name is precious)
Siblings: 18 year old sister (Chelsey) and 6 year old brother (Jonah)
Interests: I will list the few from my profile ambition, beliefs, comedy, controversy, csi, dexter, hollis, horror, life, literature, movies, music, nip/tuck, paranormal, philosophy, photography, poetry, psychology, school, tao, theory, zen
List 3 words to describe yourself:
1. Honest
2. Compassionate
3. Friendly
List 3 interesting/random things about you:
1. I care about other people more than myself.
2. I like to read but can't ever find time to do so.
3. I get sick a lot.
List 3 things you look for in a friend:
1. Honesty
2. Loyalty
3. A bond
Why do you think people would enjoy reading and commenting on your posts?
I dont hold anything back when i write. Sometimes, I am rude and controversial. Sometimes, I just post about my daily life. I love humor and videos that will make you laugh are a regular on my journal. I am a strong and compassionate young woman living in the now, by every moment. Who wouldn't want to know someone like that?
Tell us about your life and what you want to do with it:
I went through a period of time where I didn't want to do much at all and then I figured out what I wanted to do and then I changed my mind. NOW, I have decided that I want to attend school for psychology which I will do starting in January and I love who I am with and who I am.
If you could swap lives with a person for a week, who would it be and why?
I kind of just want to take a walk through my ex-boyfriend's mind. I want to know why he thought/thinks it is okay to be the way he is. Hopefully that wouldn't be traumatic.
Make up your own question and answer it:
I think I have andwered too many questioons already.
Post 1 or more pictures of yourself here.
I'm on the left.
This is old-- i need new pictures..
How did you find this community and why did you decide to join
I have been a member of this community for a long time... and i joined for the same reason everyone else did... because i wanted new friends to read my livejournal.
this entry has been cross posted.