Hi folks! It's that time again!
I meant to post this earlier in the week, but I've had one or two other things on my mind :/
We have one more concert: Tomorrow (Saturday, Oct 20) night at 8pm Eastern time. We're on the second half of the program, which starts between 9:10 and 9:15. If I were you, I'd tune in at 9:10 at the latest, just to make sure. You can listen to it live-streamed online
here at WCLV.com. They have options for both Mac and PC. This piece is worth hearing from the beginning, and is only 40 minutes long. I'm particularly proud of our Russian - I just hope the consonants come through!
It is by Prokofiev and was actually written as a film score in the 1930's, to the film by the same name (Alexander Nevsky). It is about the Russian Revolution and getting out from under the yoke of the Mongolians. We sing it in this odd mixture of Russian movements and pseudo-Latin. ("pseudo" because the actual Latin text is relatively disconnected - it feels like Nevsky just strung some Latin words together because they sounded good...)
I googled for the translation we have in our scores, but could only come up with
this. It is an OK approximation, but I'll continue to look for a side-by-side.
I really hope people get a chance to tune in; one of my absolute favorite things is knowing people that I know are listening :)
Hope to "see" you all tomorrow night!