Mar 08, 2005 16:28
So it finally happened. Something so horrible and wrong has occurred it got me so worked up that I needed to put it into words and vent, and here now will be the beginning of my Live Journal career ;)
Today, March 08, is International Women's Day. This is a day for all women around the world to come together and know what women have accomplished in society, strides made to have equal status, roles for women in the western world, and the oppression that still exists in most of the underdeveloped world (especially the middle-east) a day to be inspired to succeed and create change, however, the International Women's Day rally at SFSU was a far cry from anything harmonious and what today should represent.
The womens right coalition on campus headed the rally in the courtyard which started at noon and was to go until 4 or 5 this evening. The runner of this event, an Arab female, had her own agenda, completely missing what this day represents. Instead of focusing on what achievements have been made and what oppression in many parts of the globe still exist, she ran the whole day on an anti-Coca-Cola anti-Israel, pro Islam platform with loosely tied together "facts", and no one was calling her on her actions, especially being pro Islam!!! this is totally absurd The signs in the courtyard (which took up the whole length and height of the building adjacent to the courtyard...10 feet by 20 feet) stated the "facts" of the oppression from Coca-Cola on women in less developed countries where they manufacture their product in, how Coca-Cola has a private army that dis-establishes any union movement and also, their private army rapes the women of these countries and the villages that they operate in. While I do not know how factual this is, it is a large claim to make. Then the signs go farther in explaining how Israel funds such movements to oppress women in these countries which Coca-Cola operates and that Israel in itself is an apartheid state like South Africa was, where it oppresses its people etc.. Yet Israel is the only country in the Middle-East where women have basic liberty and life rights, can serve in the military, vote, own property and in many Middle-Eastern countries, women are not even allowed to work! So all of these ties and connections to bash Israel were hearsay as far as I am concerned. There were also pictures of Palestinian protesters that were tired of being "oppressed" and the captions were against Israel. I had enough. I approached this woman who was coordinating the event and I could see it in her eyes that she knew she was not suppose to be doing this, but SFSU is such an anti-Israel school, no one would say anything against her. I commented on how she was spreading hate on a day of remembrance and hope, how can she make these allegations, bringing to shame all of her issues she was trying to bring up. She simply replied,
" I really do not have the time to discuss this with you right now ....I am only stating the facts, not being anti-Israel ....Israel is illegally occupying Palestine, and oppressing its people "
I was so enraged I just dismissed her and walked away, feeling defeated and hurt, that no one cared enough to question her when she was planning the event nor anyone protesting her rally. I was so angry and hurt I was about to cry, I had no one to turn to. This bitch had turned a totally good cause into a day of slander totally demeaning any cause to benefit women, she did a disservice to the movement.
On any positive note that can still salvage this day, I had a test in economic development which I am sure I secured an A in, I found out about where by being Jewish and 18-26 you can get a free 10day trip including airfare, hotel, food and tour of Israel!, and I have a few replies in new living situations (I am currently apartment hunting)
Maybe the Israel hating Arab community on campus would get the peace they want if they stop trying to seek justice against Israel and other Arab countries. Violence only breeds more violence. Of course they realise this, they are smart people that have never caused a war, or oppress their people or violate human rights laws....don't get me started bitch