
Jul 31, 2008 13:03

Hi everyone!

neptunenobody and I have decided to change things up a bit. addmyartjournal will revert back to it's original plan of posting art by artists here on livejournal. I will be posting interviews, tutorials, articles, news pieces, etc on CarmineMag.com.

I am not abandoning livejournal though! I just created carminemagazine this morning. It will be the new livejournal community dedicated to all things carminemag. It will be like addmyartjournal was back in March/April of this year with content from CarmineMag's official site.

Feel free to keep the RSS feed (carminemag) on your friend's page, if you'd like. It isn't exactly friends' list friendly though, this is another reason I created the other livejournal community.

As far as me posting to addmyartjournal I will do so once in a while. Once a week or so with a list of links to posts that have been made on Carmine. If you were one of the people that I gave posting access to for this community and you're still interested in posting, please contact neptunenobody about that.

It's been a great ride,


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