venacava What drives you to create? Also, what inspires you and your work?
Zoetica Ebb: I tend to answer the same to this question, so I hope this isn’t too redundant: it’s just who I am. Drawing is something I’ve always done, it’s never been an option so much as part of me. In recent busy times it’s more vital that ever to continue with it. That aside, my biggest motivator is the understanding of life’s brevity. With such a small amount of time allotted to each of us I fell compelled to produce as much as I can. Tick tock.
Were you formally trained in art or self taught? Do you think it has helped you or hindered you?
ZE: I graduated from the LA County High School for the Arts and spent a short amount of time at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Being in such an environment - the environment of an Art Institution - is incredibly inspiring and simultaneously disheartening. Being surrounded by creativity is fantastic, while understanding how much artistic success is governed by one’s ability to sell themselves is a kick to the aspiring artist’s groin. It’s a double edged sword, but I will say I loved and miss having unlimited access to the museum while at SAIC.
What mediums do you work in the most? Do you have a particular brand that you love working with?
ZE: For my drawings I use Micron pens and I paint with Windsor & Newton oils. I stopped using mediums for the most part, save for thinner.
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