johannabachJauxwee on Flickr
What drives you to create? Also, what inspires you and your work?
Good music always makes me want to create. I am not a musician in any sense, but I can feel music like most of us. I am currently fond of hair-metal, corny, oldschool, hair-metal. … My work is inspired by my fellow students at the university I am attending and the art by which the internet provides me. Also, graffiti makes me strive to be a better artist.
Were you formally trained in art or self taught? Do you think it has helped you or hindered you?
I have made art since I was in grade school. My first art class, however, was my first day in college. I feel like it definitely gave me an advantage over the other students I was surrounded by, but now in my senior year in a studio art program, I think that my now formal art training is starting to fail me and I’m only clawing my way through my classes to get out of it as soon as possible. I don’t feel emotionally creative anymore. I don’t feel like I am praying with my art anymore to the One who gave me my hands to create the art with. Formal art training is only helping me by quickening a skill development I could have trained myself to do in a longer time period.
What mediums do you work in the most? Do you have a particular brand that you love working with? Why do you use them?
I am a watercolorist now. Thank you University of North Texas and Millie Giles. It’s a beautiful paint. Windsor-Newton artist’s Watercolours are beautiful and rich and lovely. Crayola tray palettes are choice too, except those aren’t watercolor. Also, Bic pens, they are tried and true.