(no subject)

Mar 30, 2014 20:21

Hey there! My friends page has been getting kind of quiet as of late, so I thought I'd venture out for more.
I'm 29 years old, and from Michigan. I'm a Marketing major at my community college, and a part time retail-slave. I've had this journal for the better part of 3 years (though I've been an avid lj user for the past 12 years).

I write about the goings on in my life. My Dad has early-onset Alzheimer's Disease. He's in the final stage. It comes up alot in the journal. I also write about my education, my relationship (which is actually my first serious one), baseball (HUUUUUUUGE Detroit Tigers fan), and all the fun stuff going on. I also have depression, and anxiety and that comes up sometimes as well. Despite all the sad things going on in my life, I have some great things going on and I make sure that comes across in my journal.

I'm looking for people I can form a friendship with, I've met a few people in person that I originally met on here. I don't expect any potential friend to comment on every entry, but once every few entries would be nice. I'll do the same. I don't care about gender, race, sexual orientation, or religion. I ask that you be over 21 years of age, and probably no older than 35 (just because I'd like to be able to somewhat relate in terms of life experience with a person).

I love shopping, going to the beach, reading, listening to music, going to concerts, coffee, watching movies, shoes, candles, camping, traveling, the Detroit Tigers, the Chicago Cubs, watching my boyfriend fish (lol), target shooting, politics (okay, I have a love/hate relationship with that particular thing - I'm a Moderate Independent generally, though I've voted straight Democrat the last couple elections). I'm a Christian, baptized in the Episcopal church. I respect all sorts of religions and viewpoints though.

Sorry that this is all jumbled. lol I don't do these too often. Anyway, I'd love to be friends. Let me know if you've added me on this post, or my friends-only post. There's a 99% chance I'll add you back. So nice to meet you! :-) (yes that is me in the userpic)
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