Seeking folks to peek in on me and reply periodically

Jun 06, 2022 11:56

Back in the day I posted on LJ all the time, multiple times a day, but that's not so much the case anymore. These days I barely post to me own journal more than once a month, but I keep intending (and failing) to change that.

Fact is I post to my communities more than my own LJ; in more busy times I was the admin for 100 communities... and they all stilll exist, but like with everything else they're not as active as they used to be.

Why do I stick with livejournal? Mainly because I have a permanent account, but also this place just really works for me on certain levels.

Mostly looking for those that post in English, but browsers do have translators in them so there are no absolutes on that. Be somewhat crazy... every little bit helps.
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