
Oct 28, 2017 13:08

I am trying to make friends in other parts of the country the way people around my age used to when they we're younger, on AIM or geocities before the internet became dominated by Facebook.

I have two old LJ accounts from 2001-2006.
Before that I used Scribble which is long gone down the internet recycling
I noticed how different I was back then, but I also appreciated how strangers with similar interests we're able to connect more easier.
I would like to try that again and see if that is still possible during
the age of Facebook and Smartphones.
Unfortunately, I know my personal friends are all on FB and not here, but I would still like to meet people who use this as their social media platform.

A little about me.
I am a 31 year old queer bisexual female.
I have a gender queer, cross dresser partner.
I prefer intimate relations with women, trans women,
and other gender queer people that usually are very feminine.
But I will be friends with anyone!
My ideology is left leaning anarchist, I am a Goth/Post-Punk DJ,
and I travel way too much and do way too many things for work.
Let's add each other randomly!
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