May 02, 2007 19:05
Why do relationships turn people into such fucktards?? Aaarrgh. One of my best mates was seeing this chick for years right; then she cheated and they ended it. Recently she came grovelling back and he has forgiven her and taken her back. Now I wouldn't really care, and call it his own stupid problem, if only this hadn't affected our friendship. All through their relationship she has resented me and accused me of trying to steal him. Stupid, considering I was her friend first!! When they split he turned to me because no-one else would listen, and coz I was going through the same sort of thing at the time. Now they're back together she monitors all conversations he has with me, I'm blocked on his msn, txt messages are never replied to, and I left a harmless message on is Bebo that was deleted. What the fuck?? I'm really offended. We were such close friends. Why do people let their partners control them so much?? *grumbles*
I have an appointment with the mental health team on Monday. Joy. I need my medication reviewed. Double joy.
I'm feeling angry, bitter, hurt, confused, lonely, frustrated..... for so many reasons. *sigh* I hate this shit.