Title: Masquerade - Crumbling
(AO3)Pairing: Juntoshi/Yama
Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Summary: His father told him that love eventually happened. But no one told Satoshi how much he had to struggle to make it happen, or if it really was going to happen after all.
Disclaimer: I'd never be able to own them, they're Johnny's
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Edit: This story made me think a lot (Kudos to you, addie!!!!) and I realized I'm mad at Sho a bit. No matter how pure his love his, he was really shady in the way he snatched Satoshi and how he acted as a best friend. If I was Jun, I guess I would just seriously stop any contact with both of them, because obviously as a friend I couldn't forgive Sho, and reality is: they are married now and after Satoshi told him he is happy for Jun's marriage (had to hurt to hear that O_o), I wonder if there is a way to go back together. Because no matter how and why, Satoshi chose Sho to marry. Maybe Jun should just leave for real and can find someone else on his way (like Nino - he is definitely able to take a challenge. Or Aiba with his super-kind heart <3)
OMG, I'm getting emotionally too invested in this *lol* It's a fanfic, a fanfic, a fanfic - but it still makes me ponder and think so much. Good job, addie. This has so many feels!!
Anyway! The last chapter is up already! There, you can find my solution - but it's 'my' solution though, so it might not as satisfying XD
But thank you sooooo much for reading and commenting, lily-chaaan! I appreciated it a lot! <3<3<3
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