Ad for Tropicana orange juice's new packaging behind the cut. (Via
Sociological Images)
There's so much... wrong here. But basically - business-looking, brunette little girl with kick-butt clothes and a "I'm not going to take your shit" scowl is marketed as a "difficult" object, and white-wearing, virginal looking blonde girl with a coy smile and "come hither" oddly sexualized pose is "easy." And little girls are objects? What?
I mean, it doesn't even make sense that Girl On The Right is "harder" to handle. She has perfectly coiffed princess hair, an easily stained white dress and a mischievous grin! Bitch would demand $200 dresses and con you with a smile! (Facetious, sort of.)
I'm aware some readers may find that I'm over-analyzing such an image, or making too much of it, but... these images are our culture. And what it says about our culture - that these tropes are supposed to be commonly understood and easily accessible - is frankly bothersome.
Honestly, the worst part is knowing how these images, no matter how innocently-made, can really seep into your consciousness over time. And I'd much rather have a child that doesn't take shit from strangers than some little hothouse flower who can't stand up for herself. Even if that makes her "difficult."
I would love to parent a little girl, and will do everything in my power to tell her she can kick butt and doesn't have to take anyone's shit. And I don't doubt she'll listen. But... I still hate this world that she would grow up in. And even seemingly innocuous freakin' orange juice ads have to reinforce a gendered binary that "good girls" smile and are passive, while "bad girls" are confrontational/assertive.
Ugh, why?