Aug 28, 2008 13:52
Man, fuck Gustav. I HAAAAAAAAATE evacuating. I fucking hate it. I'm not freaking out about this storm right now. Ten years I've lived here and weathered these storms, so I know at this point it could go anywhere. However, I have a son now and I can't afford to fuck off and sit around or let my apathy to want to stay get ahold of me. We'll have to leave. A newborn and motherfucking Lil' Angle. Ha. I got my oil changed and tried to get a new cat carrier. That's my preparation so far. I'm aware but not freaking out.
However, if this thing hits here, we may as well kiss our house goodbye. We flooded last time. Those levees are back to their pre-storm protection, and everyone saw how great that turned out. I wouldn't be surprised if this time around the Metairie side of the 17th street canal falls. The bad news for us: today in the paper they had a map of the levees showing the areas of big concern. Our walls are ok, but there's currently no structure to keep the storm surge out of the industrial canal. It is labeled "major missing protection pieces." Ha, that's no good. You know, I don't even care anymore. I'll have my husband, son, cat, important documents (including our flood insurance papers), and my wedding album. In the end, that's all that matters. All the other shit can be replaced and we have insurance. When you live down here, I guess that's the state of mind you have to go with.
I guess we'll make our decision by tomorrow evening. It's not supposed to hit until Tuesday anyway, and at this point, it can go anywhere. I remember with Katrina, I went to work (2 days before it hit) and we weren't in the cone of where it would hit. By the end of the day, we were in it. It's anyone's ball game.
Ah, I love hurricane season. By love, I mean I fucking hate it.