The Plan - Harry Potter fic

Jul 12, 2008 03:52

Title: The Plan
Author/Email: Addie/
Pairing: Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Pansy spies on Draco and his lover.
Feedback: yes please
Content/Warnings (if needed): This is my first slash fic.
Spoilers (if needed): Don’t think so
Disclaimer: I don’t own them, but I wish I did

A/N I love Blaise Zabini so no bad talk about him. And as I said this is my first slash fic, so be nice email me to talk me if you like it or not. And why you don’t like it.

The common room was silent, but sounds were being made from the boy’s 6th year dorm room. The sounds became louder and louder, as Pansy Parkinson walked toward the door and pressed her ear against the door.

Moaning and the sounds of flesh hitting flesh met her ear, suddenly a scream from inside made her jump. Narrowing her eyes, Pansy knew that Draco and Blaise were the only Slytherin boys that stayed over the Christmas break. Was Draco cheating on her, Pansy thought to herself then she shook her head, no Blaise is probably fucking some Ravenclaw.

She pressed hard against the door to hear more, but made it pop open. And the site in front of her made Pansy gasp. Blaise wasn’t fucking a girl, as a matter of facts, Blaise wasn’t fucking anyone. It was Draco fucking Blaise.

But the two didn’t seem to notice her. Blaise was lay out of the bed, his long black hair was spread out on the sliver and green bed spread. His long pale legs were wrapped around Draco’s waist and his hands were tied to the headboard.

Draco’s silvery blond strands were drenched with sweat, and were dripping onto Blaise’s chest. He was leaning over Blaise; his hands were placed beside Blaise’s head so he wouldn’t fall over.

Both boys were covered in sweat, Draco pounded into the boy under him steadily. Blaise threw back his head screaming as Draco hit that sweet spot inside of him that made him see little white dots dancing infront of of his eyes.

Pansy couldn’t believe her eyes; her dearly Draco is fucking a boy. But not any boy, a fucking whore in her mind. Pansy closed her eyes, hoping this was just a dream but the noises made her open them again. Her eyes widen as she saw Draco lean down to kiss Blaise lovingly.

Blaise return Draco’s kiss with the same loving way, loud moans and gasps escaped him. He kept pulling against the ropes that held his hands, Blaise wanted to run his hands over his lover.

“More…. harder….Dra…co…pleeeease…oh god…more” Blaise breathed out, this was the first time one of them spoke out loud.

“More you say,” Draco said with a smirk on his face, his voice a bit strained “Well you got it.”

Draco then started to pound even harder then before. Blaise screamed and arched his back, pressing his chest to Draco’s. Draco seemed to be enjoying himself as he kissed along Blaise’s neck and shoulder, placing small bits and longing licks.

Feeling that it was soon going to end, Draco reatched up and release Blaise’s hands from their bonds. Blaise wrapped his arms around Draco’s shoulder, as Draco shifted and pulled Blaise to sit on his lap. Blaise shuddered as Draco’s dick went even deeper inside him.

“Mmmm… Ride me Blaise.” Draco said as he kissed him again. Draco then leaned back until he was on his back and Blaise was kneeled on top of him.

Blaise placed his hands on Draco’s chest and smiled as he lifted him self and pushed back down into Draco’s dick.

Draco his own hand and placed it over Blaise’s hardness and started to stroke it.

Blaise threw his head back, and continue to fuck himself on Draco’s cock. The black haired boy let out a loud scream as he came on his lovers’ chest and arms.

Growling, Draco flipped over so he was on top again and trusted in to the boy several more time before cumming inside of him.

Pansy staggered away from the door to the male dorm room on weak legs. Somhow, she made it to her own dorm and fell down on her bed, crying.

Draco and Blaise was nusseled side by side. Draco reached a hand up to brush back a strand of hair that were in his male lovers face.

“Draco, I don’t think we should have done that.” Blaise said as he glanced over toward the open door, where Pansy had been standing at, only a few seconds earlier.

Draco had planned the whole thing, knowing that Pansy was going to be in the common room by that time.

“You know she loved you.” he said, his blue eyes filled with worry and a wift of guilt.
Draco looked at his lover and grinned, “That was the point of this, my dear, to show her that I love you, and only you.”

Blaise smiled and kissed Draco softly on his pink soft lips…


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status: one shot, pairing: blaise/draco, genre: slash, rating: nc-17, fic: harry potter

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