Hanging Out at Megan's

Jul 28, 2004 16:54

On Tuesday, Mike, Christian, Emily, Ash, Ash's brother David, Tina, Patrick, June, Jessie, Alex, Megan, and I all hung out at Megan's for the afternoon/night. It was SO much fun. We swam a whole lot. It was cool...just general goofing off. Then we had bbq, courtesy of Megan's awesome grilling abilities, and bagel bites...yum. Then we went inside for awhile...it was during this time that June and Ashley both arrived. Some people played pool, and we just sat around talking. Then we decided to watch Jackass...SOOOO funny. I had never seen it before, and I couldn't stop laughing at most of their little stunts. After the movie, we got back into the pool, and swam with frogs. Yes...real live frogs. It was so much fun...Mike and Christian attempted to train their frogs...got them to dive off the high dive a couple of times lol. And yes...we named them all. But the frogs were so entertaining...they are definitely the funniest little things ever. We eventually decided that we should let the poor little frogs go before they got too traumatized. Mike and Christian were not happy with this decision, but Ash and I insisted. They called us Keiko killers. After the frog incident, everyone in the pool decided it would to start a dunking war...it was fun. Ashley was decidedly the toughest girl to dunk. After the dunking war was over, everyone wanted to dive, and when I told them that I had never learned to dive, decided to teach me. It was a lot of fun. I still have some work to do on my diving skills, but I think I came pretty close a couple of times to nailing a nice dive. It was a really cool feeling...I like diving now. Then we just kinda talked in the pool for awhile. We had some interesting conversation on when we thought we'd get married, what type of person we thought we'd all marry, and sex before marriage and whether we thought it was wrong. Then we all decided to head back in the house. Christian read our palms, and then Mike decided to give it a try using Megan as his test subject lol. So we had a good time laughing and talking, and then Megan left to take Mike home cause he had to babysit the next morning, and Ashley and David left around that time, too. When Mike, Megan and Christian had all left to take Mike home, Alex, Em, and I had an interesting conversation about attarction: what a guy finds attractive and what a girl finds attractive. Then Christian and Megan got back, and were kind of surprised to see us all still awake. So we talked some more, harassed Megan, and then moved out into the living room area. This was probably around 5:30 in the morning. We talked some about which guys/girls each of us liked and then we started falling asleep. Alex was the first to go. Then Megan and Christian put in Mulan (Christian's request). I fell asleep after that until Jessie Mason woke up...she had slept in one of the rooms for the night. And then Megan put in The Little Mermaid (Christian's request again). We stopped the movie after Under the Sea, and put int Robin Hood: Men in Tights. I was pretty much asleep till the end lol. I woke up, watched the end of the movie, and then Megan burned me some more CDs cause she's awesome. After that, everyone went home. It was a fun couple of days that I will definitely not forget. This summer just keeps getting more and more awesome. I love it.
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