No...I haven't Fallen Off the Face of the Earth

Jun 28, 2004 23:45

SO much has happened because as usual I haven't been updating.

I'll talk about the Disneyland trip. It was SO much fun. I was so happy that it all worked out. Looked a little sketchy there for awhile...all turned out well and we all had a blast, I think. It started off with a bang listening to Eddie Izzard. We had many adventures...including jumping on the bed dancing to "We Like to Party"...boys's fantasy of a girl sleepover I'm sure. nd we musn't forget Emily's favorite ride of the whole trip....the luggage carrier thingamabob. Oh and then there was the wonderful porn descriptions...."No plot!! Straight to the good stuff." And then we met God's cousin Ted standing in line for Big Thunder Mountain Railroad of all places. Oh and the gross looking hot dogs lol. I sat through fireworks too!! they were SOOOO gorgeous...I was so happy I stayed and watched them. They came up form behind the castle...very beautiful. I'll never forget falling/being pushed off the ebd either lol. And singing Disney songs at the top of our lungs on the ride home. That was funny. So many good memories!! Such a good trip! And Megs slept over afterwards..that was fun. We randomly saw a movie with Jon and Andrea cause of course Jon missed Megs. It was nice seeing Jon and Andrea again...I hadn't seen either of them for awhile. Andrea greeted me with a running start hug, and we talked about her going to Notre Dame, and roller coasters.

Next event...Alex's Simpson's Marathon thingie on Thursday which I didn't get to stay very long for...stupid not driving once again ruins everything!!!!

Then there was Ashley's and Christian's partay, which was SOO much fun. Ash and Christian know how to throw a party..I'm telling you lol. There was much DDR going on and much squirt gun fun going on, and just general goofing off. Ashley's 18!!!! Em and Joel gave her the best gift was this little college survival kit...hilarious.

Then tonight I hung out again on Mill. Low key fun.

I love this summer. I sorta just wanna stay like this forever...except with driving. But it's been an awesome summer, and I love my friends.

On Thursday it's off to Hawaii...I kind of have mixed feelings about going. On one hand Hawaii will be beautiful and loads of fun, but ont he other hand I'm kind of thinking that I'll miss out on a lot back here while I'm gone.
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