My Super Duper Fabulous Long Weekend

Feb 21, 2006 01:27

So let's see...

On Friday, I had nice solo dinner at Pita Pit. After that, I went over to Sarah's, and ate a little dinner there too. What can I say? I'm a fattie. We watched The Island...we being me, Sarah, Jordan, Matt, Anne, Stewart, and Dan. It was fun. After the movie, Sarah, Dan, Stewart and I wandered over to Stew's apartment and played us a little King's Cup and F the Dealer. It was fun. Stefena, and Laura(they live in the apartment next door to Sarah's) joined us a little later. Stefena was SOO gone...poor thing. She was pretty funny, though.

Saturday, I had a late lunch at Pita Pit solo again. After that, Anne and I hung out in her room at Dillon, cause the boys were all busy playing video games, Sarah was going to a birthday party for a friend of hers, Julie was still out of town, and Briana was gone for the weekend. Once Sarah got back, and the boys came over after playing their games, we tried to think of somehting to do kind of unsuccesfully. Anne, Dan, Jed and I ended up going to Fred Meyer to get Dan a light saber, and ont he way home we stopped at the Erotique Boutique to get Anne the garter belt she wanted. It was pretty entertaining. We also stopped off at Walgreens to get Sarah some cheering up gifts cause she wasn't too happy that night. We got her some chocolate, some Care Bears candy, and a wind up purple bunny. We brought our gifts over to Sarah's, and hung out there for the rest of the night. Jed and Dan had an epic light saber battle, and we all watched Star Wars Episode III. It was a prety fun night.

Sunday, I had brunch with the Dillon/Sharp/Dooley gang. Later on, I had dinner with Kelly guessed it...Pita Pit. Then I went to see When a Strager Calls with Sarah, Anne, Julie, Jed, and Darren. It was pretty darn scary. Then we hung out at Sarah's. We order pizza, and watched Batman Begins. Good movie.

Today, I went to ticket distribution with Briana, Stewart, Dan, Jason, and Reid. It was pretty fun. We watched X-2 while waiting. After that, I went over to Sarah's for a pasta dinner made from scratch by her friend Ryan Bosco who is a former Gonzaga-in-Florence student. Briana was there too. We watched the game, and after the game, Ryan left. After that, Stewart came over and Briana, Stewart, and I took Sarah's car and made a Jack in the Box run for some yummy shakes and curly fries. We hung out at Sarah's place for a while after that.

All in all, it was a pretty fun and eventful weekend.
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