What's Been Happening Lately...

Nov 24, 2005 22:30

This past weekend was pretty fun.

Friday night rocked. I went out to dinner and saw Harry Potter with Kel. We saw the movie on the IMAX screen, which was incredible. The movie was soo visually stunning, I found myself grinning and enthralled with practically every scene. The way they handled the story...debatable. But I still enjoyed it very much. It's amazing...Harry and Ron look SOOOOOOOOO grown up. I know...it's been said with every subsequent movie, and with years between these movies, they're gonna grow up faster in real life then they're supposed to in the books/movies, but it still kind of takes one aback. After the movie, Kel and I headed back to Gonzaga, and we chilled in my room for awhile watching Sex and the City (I'm freshly addicted...was before, hadn't watched it in FOREVER, and just started watching it again...simply amazingly fun). SO yeah...Friday was a good night.

Saturday was meh. I volunteered with Habitat for Humanity. It was really cold, and I was really tired, even though I got plenty of sleep, and there wasn't that much work for me to do. We were working on installing insulation in one of the home (two duplexes were being built right next door to each other), and installing insulation really only takes a couple people, but there were over ten people assigned to work on this job. I felt good about volunteering, but wished it didn't have to be so damn cold, and that I could have been more involved. After volunteering, I talked to Erin and helped her pick out her dress for Charity Ball (which seemingly everyone on my floor went to), went to din din, and then went over to Sarah's house with Ror and Lance. Sarah's house was pretty fun. It was me, Sarah, Stew, Reid, Lance, and Ror. I felt a little weird at first, like I didn't really fit in, but it gradually went away. We hung out in Sarah hot tub...me Sarah, Stew, and Reid (Rory and Lance decided to do homework inside instead), and just talked for a couple hours about everything. Mainly we talked about future plans...ie where we wanted to travel, future goals, and such. We also got on the topic of crushes (always fun). Ror and Lance came out and said goodbye. The rest of us got out of the hot tub, and watched The Matrix curled up on Sarah's comfy couch. After the movie, we dragged our tired selves back to campus, and I promptly fell asleep.

Sunday was awesome. Ror, Sarah, Polish Joe, and I went ice skating. Oh how I love ice skating. It's so much fun to be going so fast and feel the wind in your face, and once you get the momentum, and feel confident, it's amazing. After skating, Ror, Sarah, and I ate at David's Pizza for dinner. Then, after dinner, I headed to STarbucks where I feverishly worked on my Personality term paper due the next day. I went back to my room later, and the work continued till 5 AM. Luckily, I don't have class till 11:00 AM, so I got sleep, but not enough for me, because I need massive amounts of sleep to function.

Somehow, I got through Monday. In Personality, we discussed Grad Schools, and the best approach for getting into one. Seems I should have been more on top of things, and should have been part of a research team starting beginning of this year. Research is not as critical in a Master's program as it is in a PhD program, but still would help. SO I don't know what to do about that, because if I'm in Florence next year, I won't be able to join a research team my junior year, and apparently by senior year, it's just too late. SO this is stressing me out a little. I mean, I have no intention of trying to get into a PhD program right now. I just want to get into a Masters program, see where that gets me, and then, if it gets me nowhere, go back and get my PhD, so hopefully the whole potentially having zippo research experience won't hinder that plan.

Tuesday, Kel called and we ate lunch at Spikes together after my Socialization class. We ran into Sarah, Briana, Jed, Stewart, and Matt. It was fun. After that, I had an Italian exam which was brutal. After the exam, I ran to my room, packed my computer, grabbed my stuff and ran out to DeSmet circle to meet Rory and Sarah, who gave me a ride to the airport. It was actually really sad leaving those two. I've missed them since I've been home, even though the break really only means a couple of days away. After saying goodbye to them, I boarded the plane, and spent what seemed like FOREVER traveling. My dad was there at the airport to pick me up when I finally landed in Phoenix, and it was SOOOO nice seeing the fam when I finally got inside my house.

Thanksgiving Day was awesome. We went over to Lou and Barb's house for dinner. The dinner was delicious, and it was fun talking to Lou and Barb. They're SOO nice and welcoming. Barb showed us some video she took on her Equestrian trip in Spain, which she went on a couple of weeks ago.

SO far, I've absolutely loved my visit home. I'm kind of sad that I have to go back so soon...Saturday. It doesn't really seem like it's enough time home. Ah well...Christmas Break will be here in just a few short weeks.
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